Our Services

// Discover \\ United Benefits

United distributed, noncombustion process of generating clean energy helps reduce emissions and promote sustainable communities. Our energy platform u niquely addresses both the causes and consequences of climate change.

Minimize Land Use

We’re constantly finding ways to minimize our land use. The latest United systems deliver 5X the electricity output of the first generation in the same footprint. The next generation will deliver 50% more power than the current generation in the same footprint.

1 MW

Power produced within the space of a shipping container

5.5 acres

Land use required for equivalant solar output

Ensure Predictable Power

United Energy’s turnkey solutions allow for a fixed-payment schedule with the ability to secure fuel pricing. This allows our customers to achieve cost predictability and significant savings over the life of the project.

Turnkey Solution

Flexible Term Lengths Flexible Financing Options

Avoid Power Outages

United Energy AlwaysON microgrid provides businesses and communities with critical protection from grid instability and outages caused by climate-related extreme weather events.


Microgrids Deployed


Grid outages prevented

Outage costs

Millions of dollars in outage-related costs avoided

Power Purchase Agreements

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are between the purchaser (i.e. a private company or a state-owned local utility) and a power producer (i.e. United Energy Endeavors) to secure the payment stream. PPAs, which are generally for the time period of 15 years, safeguard the future electricity prices at a predetermined price while offering the quickest way to achieve your sustainability goals. PPA creates a win-win scenario for both the producer and the consumer as it mitigates the risk of uncertainty in energy prices and guarantees offtake for the producer.

Energy as a service

ESCO (Energy Service Company) offers Energy as a Service to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and Tower Companies. Ageing power systems inclusive of gensets and batteries on most cell sites result in increased instances of downtime. In off grid and poor grid regions, diesel gensets often run 24/7, making fuel logistics expensive and critical for uninterrupted service. Furthermore, theft of fuel and equipment exacerbates the situation as energy continuity is not the core competency of any Mobile Network Operator (MNO) or Tower Co. This service allows customers to focus on their core competency and let the ESCO plan, build and operate their energy infrastructure.


Increased penetration of intermittent renewable energy requires a real-time understanding of network status to allow for a rapid on-field or backend response as changes occur. The United Energy Endeavors Analytics application SPARK is designed to enable operators to maximize performance, reduce risk and to increase system flexibility. SPARK has been designed to achieve the following objectives:

  • Real-time data integration for visibility and control
  • Predictive plant maintenance strategy
  • Energy cost savings using economic dispatch order principle

Structural and Application Engineering

As Application Engineers we love technology and work on both current and newer products to manage the customer’s individual needs. In many a case, we go a step further with the help of our Research and Development Team to offer solutions to challenges that haven’t given thought of. As the primary point of contact in technical consulting, we help you find the most financially feasible solutions for your projects based on your industrial energy scenario. Additionally, we also offer demo boards and simulated calculations, gather the necessary documentation and provide support with the design process.

AlwaysON Microgrid Platform

Protect your business or community from planned and unplanned outages

Get Started